
Are You Dressing Badly For The Warmer Weather

"Summer is the season when a man thinks he can cook better on an outdoor grill than his wife can on an indoor stove. " --- Anonymous.
The current warmer summer weather affords many people the ideal opportunity to catch a great tan, barbeque outdoors to their heart's content, enjoy the great outdoors, go sailing and more importantly wear clothing that not only keeps them cool and comfortable but also makes a very public statement about themselves.cheap Wedding Dresses
When it comes to making a summer fashion statement about themselves many people throw caution to the wind and tend to lower their own personal good fashion sense. Although they are keeping cool and comfortable the image that they are projecting to the general public borders on either the scandalous or the extremely bizarre.
This article centers on five areas of personal style and appearance concerns that we have all been a witness to throughout these long summer months. The following scenarios will be briefly pointed out and discussed for your consideration
Men wearing sandals and black or white socks.
Men wearing loafers and no socks with shorts.
Females wearing an extremely petite bikini exposing mounds of cellulite deposits.
Hairy older men wearing revealing tank tops.
Family members wearing black summer wear.
Sandals and Sock Combination
Perhaps I am being a tad too picayune here but the idea of wearing the sandals in the first place was to keep your feet cool and your tan somewhat consistent. Yet men of every age range continue to wear the sandal and sock combination believing they are looking cool. Hey guys get a clue and ditch the socks.cheap bridal gowns
Loafers and No socks
The more avante garb male makes his fashion statement by wearing high priced loafers with no socks. What is this about I ask? Surely if you can afford a $200 pair of designer shoes you can certainly visit a thrift store and purchase a cheap pair of socks. Why not buy some personally monogrammed socks for your tired and exposed feet?
Skimpy Bikins and Cellulite
I realize that many women are having their difficulties fighting those unwanted and unsightly mounds of cellulite. But again ladies try to use discretion and try not to publicly advertise to the world that you have been chosen to be the poster girl for the cellulite female of the month advertising campaign. Using a little bit of fashion discretion here would keep your secret from going public.
Hairy Chested Men Tanked Out
Nowadays it seems that older men are anxious to make personal fashion staements about themselves. Overly abundant amounts of chest and back hair that were once politely concealed from public viewing are now making an appearance not only on beaches but also at the supermarket, dentist's office and other places of business. Remember guys that at times enough can be way too much of a good thing! The Big Foot look alike contest only happens at Halloween masquarade parties.
Black Summer Outfits and Tshirts
You have probably noticed in recent years that national clothing advertisers are attempting to downplay the importance of men wearing brighter colors during the summer months. The ruggedly macho black tshirt has now been modified to include total lines of summer garb designed for the whole family. The tone is somber and tends to downplay the bright, warm and lively spirit of the season. Try to add some color in your life and be daring and wear a pastel colored tshirt once in a while.
Closing Clothing Thoughts
I realize that the situations described above have become acceptable everywhere and are of course totally harmless. However, if you do want to improve your public image and put your best foot forward ask your family and friends for their opinion about the way you currently dress.cheap Cocktail Dresses.
If they see nothing wrong with the way you are currenly attired then pat yourself on the back for being attune to your body image and personal style. 
If this is not the case then reevaluate your current wardrobe and attitudes about yourself and try to upgrade your opinions about yourself and life. Even a small improvement adds much to the enjoyment of life.

